Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sales Process Benefits

Role Perception

Identifying and following a specific sales process almost doubles your ability to hit quota.
Over 90% of salespeople do not follow a sales process. In 2009, only 42% of salespeople hit quota. However, of the 10% that do follow a process, 82% hit quota. (Research by CSO Insights)

How do you manage role perception?

  1. Preach it
  2. Focus salespeoples' attention
Preach it
If you want to be truly inspiring, focus on the why, not the what or the how. Why do you sell what you sell? People buy products / services because they fill needs - they solve problems. Salespeople are the problem solvers of the world - they find those with problems, then help solve them by selling solutions - and people want that. Help salespeople understand that they are superheros, and that there are people out there right now that are searching for the solutions they sell.

Focus attention
Once the sales process is discovered, the path to revenue is extremely clear. It will look something like this: first contact, demo, meeting, close.
Those are the activities salespeople should be spending their time doing. Writing reports, going to meetings, etc. are necessary evils that must be kept to a balanced minimum. In so doing, salespeople will understand that their primary role is that of a superhero - helping qualified leads buy the solutions they need.
In order to focus their attention on those "high-value" activities, they must be measured and reported. Doing so will focus salespeoples' attention on them and will help them understand the true nature of their role.

Performance Improvement

Using a sales process will help your organization improve its selling activities. First off, the simple act of measuring and reporting steps in the sales process will help salespeople focus on those selling activities and devote their attention to activities that will lead to sales.
In addition, they'll be able to see clearly if, where, and when they are getting better or worse at selling.

By measuring conversion rates between key selling activities, your organization will be able to identify company or even product-specific best practices within the sales process. Salespeople who are converting well are obviously doing something right, and knowing who is good at what portion of the process will enable you to extract the best practices of that person spread them to the rest of the team. This is especially powerful because those best practices will be specific to your company and products.

Stress Relief / Confidence Boosting

Once a salesperson's conversion rates have been measured, a work plan can be produced. This work plan will tell a salesperson exactly how many activities are needed to produce a certain sales goal. For example, if a salesperson converts 20% of leads to sales, then in order to make 10 sales a month, he / she must contact 2.3 new leads per day. If the salesperson's performance remains constant or improves, contacting 2.3 leads per day will absolutely lead to 10 sales per month.

Knowing exactly how much must be done to hit a goal (and especially knowing that it's a doable amount) greatly reduces the stress of a salesperson. Just do at least 2.3 leads per day and the goal will take care of itself. Ah. Relief!

Performance Prediction

By measuring key activities and the sales cycle time between them, sales predictions can be made more accurately. This is done by using a simple mathematical equation using past performance history of each salesperson and extrapolating that data into the future, based on deals already in the pipe. Booyah.

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